Thursday, May 20, 2010

Can you still have LIQUOR DELIVERED to your door in New Jersey?

When I was growing up in Bayonne NJ during the 60s you could call down to the liqour store, order anything and they'd show up at your door with the stuff. As long as you had the $$$ they'd give it to you regardless of your apparent age. "Mom's in the shower but she said to just leave here," was a favorite ploy. Bottom line: can you still call in the order for booze on delivery in the Garden State?

Can you still have LIQUOR DELIVERED to your door in New Jersey?
From my referenced source, "New Jersey residents are not permitted to purchase beverage alcohol via telephone, mail order or the Internet from producers and retailers in other states. These sales, commonly known as “mail order sales,” are illegal because they bypass the State’s regulatory system for controlling liquor."

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